Computer Network


what is computer network


Network is a system of communication between different devices.

Network topology is the study of how computers, printers and other networked devices communicate with each other through cables or radio waves to send data, instructions and messages across a network.


A network is a group of computers connected together using a common protocol, or set of rules for communication. Networks can be wired or wireless. They're useful for sharing resources and information between computers on the same local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).

Communication devices

A network is a collection of two or more computers, storage devices and other electronic devices connected to each other so that they can communicate with one another. The devices on the network may be desktop computers, laptops or tablets; servers; printers; fax machines; scanners and copiers; cable modems and DSL modems.

Communication between devices in the same network usually occurs through ports on each device connecting them to a router (or switch). Routers are used to connect several networks together into a single large network called an internetwork system (IS).

Network topologies

A network topology defines how two or more computers are connected to each other. There are many different ways that you can connect computers together, but the most common ones are:

  • Bus - a single physical cable that connects all devices on a network

  • Star - this means having every device connected directly to one central point (the hub)

  • Ring - like a star, only instead of having each device connected directly to one central point, they're all connected through multiple links before reaching their final destination—a similar effect as a hub without any actual physical links between them

Types of Computer Network

A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that are used to share information between them. These networks can be connected to each other by either wired or wireless media, and may be used for a variety of purposes such as communication within an office building, connecting computers in a home, or sharing data between two different countries.

Types of Computer Networks:

  • LANs (Local Area Networks) are small networks that provide high-speed connections for devices within a limited area around the host computer. They usually consist of one main server that serves as a hub for all traffic going through it; however this isn't always required since many modern LANs don't require centralized servers at all!

LAN (Local Area Network)

LANs are networks that connect to each other through repeaters and hubs. They can be wired or wireless, with the exception of some wireless networks that use a radio signal instead of using cables. The Ethernet protocol is used by all LANs, but you'll often see different types of Ethernet cables used in different environments:

  • Cat 5e cable has a maximum length of 100 meters (328 feet). It's most commonly found at home offices and small businesses as well as around large corporate campuses. This type of cable was originally developed for telephone lines—and it still works perfectly well!

  • Cat 6a cable has an increased bandwidth compared to previous generations; however, its maximum length remains at 300 meters (984 feet). Cat 6a is ideal for connecting from your router through multiple floors within a building before reaching another network device such as an access point or switch located closer to where you want to go next--such as outside where there might not be enough room left over after installing everything else first!

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is a network that covers a small area. The name stands for "Metropolitan Area Network", and they are also called Metro Area Networks (MAN) or Campus Area Networks (CAN). These networks are used to connect LANs and campuses, but they can also be used in commercial applications, such as industrial automation or medical equipment monitoring.

The physical connections between MANs are usually high-speed links such as T1 lines or ISDN links. This means that these networks can carry data at speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second over their entire length without any loss of quality due to line noise or crosstalk between devices connected on different nodes within the same subnet.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

A WAN is a network that connects multiple LANs across large geographical areas. The WAN uses high-speed transmission links (fiber optics, microwave and satellite) to send data between the LANs.

PAN (Personal Area Network)

A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a small network that connects devices within a person's reach. They are usually used to connect devices that are close together, such as in a building or on a campus.

There are many different types of PANs, but the most common ones include:

  • Bluetooth - Bluetooth uses radio frequency signals for short-range wireless communication between devices such as mobile phones and computers.

  • Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi provides fast wireless Internet access through an infrastructure of routers that cover an entire building or campus area with high speed connections via radio waves instead of wires over long distances (such as those found in cable networks).

CAN (Campus Area Network)

A Campus Area Network (CAN) is a network that connects computers and other devices within a single building or group of buildings. CANs can be used to connect buildings in an office complex, university campus, or other large business or institutional environment. The term "campus" refers to this type of network because most networks are created to support multiple organizations within one location.

The size of your campus-area network will depend on the number of users who need access to it as well as whether you have any wireless connectivity at all available for employees who work remotely from home offices outside city limits where there might not be any hardwired connections available for use by those same employees' PCs

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A computer network is a collection of computers and other devices that are connected to each other. The network can be a small one, such as a home network, or a large one, such as the internet.


Computer networking is a term used to describe the set of processes that allow computers to communicate with each other over large distances. This communication can take place on a local area network (LAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), wide area network (WAN) or personal area network (PAN).
